She’s Here

Andersen Elisabeth was born at 5:44 pm on October 16, 2014. She has soooooo much blond hair, it’s crazy. She was 7 lbs 6 oz and 19 inches long. Labor was 11 hours and I did 10 unmedicated!! She’s doing so well with feeding and is healthy. All I could ever ask for. The best birthday present I’ve ever had!




Well the blood pressure hasn’t gone down and after my doctor spoke with me about the risks of continuing this pregnancy and the risks of inducing, I have agreed to be induced tomorrow.

I don’t want to take any chances with my sweet baby girl. I will start pitocin tomorrow morning around 7:00 am. I’m scared – scared of the pitocin, scared of labor, and scared I won’t be strong enough to do it. But so very excited to meet this active little girl, excited to see what she looks like, and excited to feel the love I have only dreamed of.

Today somewhat brings me full circle. I remember last October 15 – Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. I was so broken I couldn’t even write about it. And now, a year later, I’m finally going to be welcoming my love in to the world.

I pray for strength for all of you mommies who have lost little ones, no matter how little they were.

Almost There

I’ve been terrible! I do check in with how all of you are doing daily. But life has been insane. Still no excuse.

**All Pregnancy Related**

I am currently 38 weeks 2 days pregnant. Pregnancy has been pretty good to me thus far. I have had some back issues and heartburn but honestly, no complaints. I did have a little scare this week when I went to the doctor, my blood pressure was high. I had had a terrible day at work and the doctor sent me to labor and delivery to be monitored. There was a fetal decel during this time so I had to have an ultrasound and was there for about 4 hours alone. Because of this and because they only do one induction a day, they put me on the schedule to induce next Friday (October 17, my birthday is October 18!!) if my blood pressure remains high. I really think it was just stressed induced – my job is killer. It’s constant stress and part of the reason I’ve been MIA. By the time I get home at night, I’m done. Anyway – I’m hoping things will be better when I see my doctor next week and we might not have to do the induction route. I’d rather experience all of this naturally. But it was definitely a reality check. This baby is coming and she’s coming very, very soon!

We are as ready as you can be. I’m honestly freaked out. I’ve wanted this for so long but I think there’s nothing that can prepare you for your world to change so drastically. I still can’t believe I will be a mom. It’s crazy considering at this time last year, I never thought it would happen. Though I’ve faced a different journey than all of you, I do want to say that you should never give up hope. I gave it up too quickly and was miserable. No matter how it happens, you will become a mother.

Thank you for all of your support, thoughts, and prayers. I can’t wait to share the little one with you in a short number of days.


Here’s a picture from 34 weeks. I’m feeling and looking MUCH more pregnant these days. Ready for her to be here!